Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Best of 2018 In Snapshots

We are halfway through the first work week of 2019 here at Ballet Magnificat and I'd say things are going pretty well! It's wonderful to be back in Jackson, MS with dear friends like family. Together, my housemates and I took down our Christmas decorations yesterday, putting the joyous celebratory chapter of the holiday season behind us and looking forward toward the future. Oh, what 2019 has for us, I know not, but I hope for lots of ADVENTURE! Before we get too deep into the new year, I want to take the time to pause and post an update reflecting on times past and share with you my favorite happenings from 2018. I told you to expect that I'd be posting this soon and to be looking forward to a post filled with photos encapsulating the finest memories and experiences I underwent from this previous year, so here it goes!


This  past  year  in  snapshots :


Honestly, January was a slow month; Just remembering how to grocery shop on my own again after spending three weeks at home on holiday break being taken care of by my parents... returning back to Jackson to an awesome set of housemates... doing the usual dance thing at the studios... and my blog getting ranked a Top 60 Ballet Blog!


In February our tour season kicked off with our first stop being Israel! With all the sightseeing and experiences underwent, so many pictures were snapped that month, but this picture is one of my top favorites! These people are what MADE the trip. To see more snapshots from our trip to Israel click here!

I designed and made my very first ballet "Shirt Skirts" -Abbey photobombing in the background... we toured to a number of fun places... at the end of the month we performed in a series of Easter productions put on by Northland Church in Longwood FL which was very memorable!

In April we got to perform in my hometown for the first time in all of my six years touring 
with Ballet Magnificat Alpha. Many of my family and friends were able to attend our performance. 
It was such a heavenly evening for me!

May was moving month. Out with the old, in with the new.

June. Ya gotta love Junes! I got to be a spectator of the International Ballet Competition that takes place in Jackson, MS every four years and also got to participate in the IBC tutu fashion show... made my first leotard... I had a blast teaching for Ballet Magnificat's first ever Junior Summer Dance Intensive... and spent lots of my free time soaking up the summer sun!

I had a fantastic month counseling these beautiful women during the 2018 Summer Dance Intensive.

In August new friends moved into town... like my amazing beloved new roommate from South Africa...
I learned how to make an elephant out of towels and welcomed her with one...and Emma gets married!!!

The Ballet Magnificat school year begins. Here my housemate and I strike a pose together on picture day.

Out of all the wonderful things that took place in October I would have to say that 
attending the Mississippi State Fair with some very special people was the highlight of the month.

Roadtripping to Louisiana to spend Thanksgiving with these friends was the best decision I made in November.

We had a wonderful set of performances in Jackson the month of December... from Carols by Candlelight with First Baptist Jackson... watching the Trainees perform at Ridgecrest... and doing Snow Queen at Thalia Mara Hall in downtown Jackson. We finished the year with tired bodies but happy hearts!

That's all folks! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today! Since I kind of neglected The Occupied Optimist last semester, it's about time that I've posted a substantial life update for those that have been waiting to hear about it. It has been a long time coming. For those of you that don't find these kinds of posts interesting... well that is just fine. Creating posts like these are so good and beneficial for ME. It cultivates thankfulness. You know what I mean? I think everyone should take time now and again to pause and go back through old memories and photos to recount all the past workings of the Lord. With every sunrise and sunset, He is so good and faithful.   

I don't know if you got anything out of this post today, but if anything, I know I did.
If you enjoyed this post please comment, follow, subscribe, and don't be shy!
Happy Wednesday!
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