Saturday, February 22, 2025

2025 Mission Opportunity!

I'm breaking my several-year hiatus from blogging, to bring to you all the latest regarding the upcoming trip I am so excited to go on with my current employer Cavod Performing Arts. 

Lillian's 2025 Mission Trip Opportunity!
 Guess who's
Traveling again! 

🌍 Kenya & South Africa, here I come! ✈️   

Let the preparations begin! 

If you have continued reading on up until this point, I'll assume you are interested in my life, what I've been up to lately, and in learning more about this upcoming trip I've announced. So, for your interest and continued reading, I'll first start by expressing an endless abundance of gratitude to you for it!!! 

A pertinent time for reflection as one year comes to a close and another begins, God has been gracious to me this past 2024 year season. For those of you who don't know, I've continued into my sixth season teaching for Cavod Performing Arts, I am responsible for around 70 students and love each one of them. I've gone into my fifth year co-directing Citylight Dance Theater (an outreach division of Cavod comprised of junior high and high school aged students who use their talents to share Jesus with people through dance presentations done throughout the community) And it all continues to be such a blessing, and source of joy in my life! 

One of the best things about teaching at a Christian studio like Cavod, is being able to exercise my faith freely. This looks like starting my classes with prayer, sharing with my students the passion I have for artistic expression through movement and what that looks like to do it for the Lord's glory. It could also look like encouraging my students in their work and in their identities by sharing with them the love of Christ and biblical truths from God's word before, after, or EVEN in the middle of class- as the Spirit leads. And often, being able to connect with students and families on a deeper more personal level because of our like-mindedness in faith, is always special too. But I also love that it is a safe place where ANYONE is welcome to come, learn, and grow with us, in a warm nurturing environment.
It's a "local mission field"  I am grateful the Lord has called me to in this season. 

... And as if that doesn't keep me busy enough, there is always the bookkeeping; I'm going on my second-year doing that work for William Penn Real Estate Associates. It is a great organization I can really get behind. I find the office work to be stimulating and surprisingly refreshing!

In regards to "What's New!", the answer is not much! Perhaps a few new things I could mention are, a few more gray hairs, I've finally jumped on the "crock-pot-bandwagon" and have been enjoying this ingenious (new-to-me) way of cooking which seems to complement my busy lifestyle so well, I've switched churches this past year and will hit the one year mark of being a member of it this coming February, and most exciting, I've pledged to join Cavod Performing Arts on their annual missions trip this coming summer, a trip they've taken the past 3 years, but usually during the school year which was never agreeable with my schedule, UNTIL NOW!

I jumped on the opportunity to join the team upon hearing the trip was scheduled for the Summer this time around! This will be my second time to South Africa and first time ever going to Kenya! I'll admit, I'm feeling a little "rusty" as it has been so long since my last trip overseas, but I am so expectant and excited to see how the Lord plans to use our team over there this summer. I am also so looking forward to bonding with the team and ministering alongside them, many of them co-workers I love but normally only ever see in passing throughout the year.

THE TRIP,  We will be doing arts camps for underprivileged children and sharing the hope and love of Jesus though our classes, presentations, and though personal interaction, In Kenya from June 18th to the 28th then to Capetown, South Africa from June 28th to July 7th. 

Victory Christian School is who we will be working with in Kenya, and with Cavod's friends at House of Praise Church in Capetown. House of Praise church is extremely grateful to have us return, and for us coming alongside them to assist in reaching their community for Jesus! It seems each time the Cavod team goes, God allows them the ability to build on from the times before! House of Praise's youth group has grown and amazing fruit from the camps has been seen…salvations, healings, and kids growing in their faith have been reported! I am so excited and honored to be able to participate in the work the Lord is doing there. I know it will be well worth the sacrifice to go this summer and to see first-hand all the lives and generations being changed for eternity! I know this trip will have lasting impact on my life as well!

The total cost of the trip is
$2,900 which includes airfare, travel, food, and accommodations. Would you prayerfully consider supporting me, with a monetary donation? Any amount is appreciated! It's an opportunity to partner with us in our efforts to obey Jesus' command in Mark 16:15, for His Kingdom and gospel to be presented to all people, from all walks of life, all around the globe.

There are several methods you may choose from to submit a contribution; digitally through PayPal using the yellow button below, through Cavod's web page HERE, or by sending a check with THIS letter's tax-deductible request that can be dropped off or mailed to Cavod Performing Arts, 665 West Main St.  New Holland, PA  17557. Please email me at if you have any questions OR if you would like me to send you a hard copy support letter with the tax-deductible request. 

Prayers are also appreciated as well, and go a long way, SO thank you! A list of prayer points are down below if you keep reading...and I do intend to be posting updates on my social media platforms as they come in and documenting our adventures there! 
Clickable Image

Thank you kindly for taking the time to read this update,
and for any support you can give whether by donation or prayers,
Blessings in Christ and Happy New Year!

Specific Prayer Requests:
  • "About" links at the top of this page are a great resource to learn about how you can be praying for these countries on a broader sense.
  • Our team member Lysion needs his Visa cleared in time in order to join us.
  • Health and Safety
  • Travel Logistics
  • Financial Provision
  • Open receptive hearts from the students
  • Pray for Salvations!
Thank you!
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Sunday, December 18, 2022

Blogmas Week Two

 -  Blogmas  Week Two  .  Friends  &  Musicals  &  Presents ,  Oh  My!  -

What a pretty busy week it has been for me. I'm glad I took a break from blogging because there is no way I would have been able to keep up with it all throughout the week. But now it is time to give ya a good update! The week began more chill than it ended. Monday was just a normal teaching day for me. Nothing too exciting went down that day...

- Tuesday -

Tuesday also was a fairly normal teaching day with no festivities to report of, but I will mention Tuesdays are one of my favorite teaching days! This past Tuesday marked my last day working closely with Cavod's Citylight Dance Theater Junior team (pictured above), until next year. I love these young ladies so much! They are a fun crew and an absolute delight to set choreography on. I am so proud of all they have accomplished this year so far!

 - Wednesday -

Wednesday was a fun day for me! A group of my friends and I enjoyed a night "out on the town". I think it was about 24 of us that got together to attend "A White Christmas" performed at the Fulton Opera House in downtown Lancaster. It had been quite a while since I had last seen a show at the Fulton. Thank you to the Blatts for the invitation! We had a great time!

The view from the balcony

 - The  Weekend -

Thursday was chill, or should I say chilly! It was the first day of the season that freezing rain, sleet, and snow were forecasted. I was feeling pretty tired of "extroverting" by the time Friday rolled around, but I persevered forward. Friday evening after teaching a series of private lessons and conducting a two-hour rehearsal with the Citylight Dance Theater Senior Company, I then switched gears, and outfits to attend Cavod's Holiday Staff Party. It was a beautiful night at the Detweiler's Farm. Dinner was served inside a greenhouse with twinkle lights and candles everywhere! It was so magical. I regret not taking any pictures.

Saturday, just when I didn't think I had any energy left, I tapped into an extra reserve to get me through a seven-hour adventure with some dear friends of mine at Hershey Park's Christmas Candy Lane. The air was nippy and the lines were long, but we had ourselves a great time regardless. It was the perfect festive activity needed to help get me in the Christmas Spirit and I so cherished the quality time spent with the people pictured below.

gotta have a car selfie!

Our favorite interactive ride "Reese's Cupfusion" had a long line (90 mins.) but it was worth the wait!

All bundled up...

Freezing our butts waiting in line, trying to stay optimistic  😝


pretty lights aglow

... Lastly

Pictured here are the gifts unwrapped and revealed, from my last blog post for those of you who were curious as to what my Secret Santa from church got me! Her gift selections were all so perfect for me and so thoughtful! I was all smiles opening them up! She did a great job! 

7 more days till Christmas! I am excited, but also am starting to feel the pressure as I still have several cards and gifts I desire to make before the big day. I didn't EVEN TRY to procrastinate this year. Time just got away from me, but ready or not, 


  For More Optimistic Reads ↓ 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Sunday Best

 -  Blogmas  Day  Eleven  .   Guarding  my  Boundries  .   Secret  Santa  -

Hi everyone! Today was a fairly typical Sunday. Church, Wegmans, friends, rest. Not much to report, except can I just say, I've broken a record!!! I've blogged for eleven days straight! I'm feeling so accomplished right now as I have never done that before. With that being said, even after making the commitment earlier to blog every day leading up to Christmas, I've decided to loosen up the expectations a little bit and grant myself the grace to skip days if needed. 

Blogging daily has been a MOST enjoyable process...but a VERY time-consuming one, which is the main factor influencing my decision to step back from it a little bit. Ideally, it would have been so cool and wonderful to document all the days leading up to Christmas, and every day for that matter, as I believe every day usually has at least one thing special about it worth remembering, documenting/sharing about... but I've decided to be a "big girl" and let myself be a little flexible with this insignificant commitment to myself since I've started to notice the pattern of losing sleep over the sake of writing and editing for Blogmas. As hard as it was to make this decision I think it is the wisest thing and for the best! You wouldn't have caught me making wise decisions like this a year ago. I must be growing up lol.  

BUT, in accordance with my desire to keep my blog active and current/relevant, and still participate in Blogmas, I will be continuing to do my best to post as frequently as possible, just not at the expense of my sleep OR at the expense of the post's quality, which was another reason for deciding not to "just post something daily for the sake of posting something", if I have nothing quality to post about.

I think overall since I am not a full-time influencer 😜, and have an equally time-consuming rich life to lead offline as much as online, this is the best decision to make in order to keep both realms healthily balanced! But I am so excited going forward. I have learned a thing or two the past couple days regarding how to become faster and more consistent with creating content and have gained fresh vision and creative inspiration for The Occupied Optimist going forward (online and offline to be honest!) Would you get excited with me and wish me luck! Thank you readers who have stuck by me and are following along on the journey!

My church's Christmas tree! Crossway's Christmas tree, In all its glory!

I got these Christmas gifts from my Secret Santa from church today! Isn't the wrapping paper just darling!!! Want to know what is in them? me too!
I guess you will just have to come back and see my next blog post in order to find out! 


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