"Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God. They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart." ~Ecclesiates 5:19-20
A photo I snapped of a mural I found on the side of a building in Rio de Janiero, Brazil last time I was there!
Tour season is FINALLY beginning again! Wahoo! The Ballet Magnificat Alpha Company has not toured since mid-April but while that is the case, we have still managed to stay extremely busy all this time. Though some seasons are lighter than others, sometimes it seems like "busy" is the only pace we know. The busyness while being on tour is different from the kind of busyness we experience at home. And the busyness leading up to a tour is probably the worst because you have to juggle all the travel preparations and organizing on top of all the normal busyness which is what I have been dealing with this past week. My Pre-travel preparations included:
ensuring that my airfare and tickets were paid for and covered (A BIG thanks to those of you that assisted me in accomplishing that!!)
ensuring that my passport and visa were up to date.
making photocopies of my important life documents, passport, and contents in my wallet to bring with me...just in case.
Alerting my bank that I will be leaving the country for a time.
purchasing the proper converters and adapters for the corresponding power outlets so I'll have no problem charging my electronic devices.
downloaded helpful apps that allow me to communicate amongst my friends internationally free of charge like Whatsapp and Skype.
purchasing the perfect sized, lightweight, paperback journal to keep record of all the exciting adventures I will be going on.
ensuring that I get a good dose of vitamins and minerals into my system to boost my immune system to handle the rigorous schedule ahead of me, and for combating against the increased amount of germs I will be exposed to on the planes and elsewhere.
Making sure the bills are all paid and that my house is in good hands.
For this 2-week trip, I've managed to pack most of my things in a 20-pound carry-on backpack! I must say, I am rather impressed with myself. ^_^ I've mastered the art of packing! I have been desiring to share with you all, for quite some time, all of my tips and tricks for packing. Unfortunately, today is not that day, but check back soon for that one! Today I would like to reveal to you my very precise WAY for packing clothes. I have a very particular procedure and order in which I do things.
Firstly I figure out what the time frame for my trip is and look up the weatherfor each day. I like to calculate an average temperature. I love using Accuweather.com because they provide an excellent extended forecast.
I consider what activities I will be doing each day, keeping tallies under categories, and then I begin to pack; throwing the appropriate style of clothes into according piles.
I usually pick out my shoes first. Shoes can easily determine the outfits I throw together.
From there, I pick for the piles a few pair of pants and my favorite mix and matchable tops. I try to make sure that the articles of clothing I choose can be "multi-purpose"; suitable for more than one planned activity.
lastly, I coordinate accessories; the finishing touch to any outfit! I choose earrings and necklaces that can be "multi-purpose"; suitable for more than just one outfit. You can't go wrong with diamonds and pearls!
If a weight limit is required, and paring down your items is necessary, I just use the painful process of elimination. I always make an "honorable mention" pile just in case things change.
*Side note: When packing toiletries in a carry-on make sure your liquids are TSA approved, weighing a mere 3.4 oz.
The reality of packing IS messy! ^_^
I ended up being able to fit all of the following items into my 20-pound carry-on backpack:
two books and a kindle
a couple of camisoles
5 pair of socks
a light scarf (a must!)
1 swimsuit
vitamins, Vicks vapor rub, and thieves essential oil ^_^
1 maxi shirt
2 dresses
1 pair of yoga pants
2 pairs of skinny jeans
1 pair of gaucho pants
2 long sleeve shirts
1 crocheted tunic
1 plaid button up
3 tanks
1 t-shirts
2 V-necks
4 blouses
4 tights
4 leotards
1 pair of workout shorts
My dresses, skirt, and tops folded into one compact pile!
*I am carrying onto the plane 1 cardigan and a light-weight jacket.
So alas, it is time to travel again, and international at that! Bills are paid, and bags are packed. I'm ready to leave this town! It is unfortunate that the Ballet Magnificat School of the Arts and Trainee Program start up this Monday and that we won't be in town to meet and greet them, but some years it just goes that way. I suppose when we return, they will be meeting and greeting us! We will have lots of exciting stories to share with them, and hopefully, you will hear all about them here, so stay tuned!
Brazil here I come!
" Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit "
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