Monday, November 14, 2016

Christmas Tour Time

Tour season is not quite over yet. The Ballet Magnificat Alpha Company returned only two weeks ago, from our month long tour, just to be turning right back around. In Jackson, MS we've spent most of our days rehearsing and preparing for our upcoming Christmas tour and tomorrow we will once again head out, starting off our Christmas tour with a stop in Alabama for the Premier of our latest and greatest Christmas production called "Light Has Come". We partner together with the Omega Company every year to put on our Christmas productions which always makes for a great time and a spectacular show. Watch the videos below to take a sneak peak of what we've been working on these past couple weeks, and make sure you get tickets to see the real thing if you live in proximity to any of the cities we will be touring to!

A video posted by Lillian Marie Ortiz (@oqpiedoptimist) on

Follow me on Instagram at oqpiedoptimist for more video updates like these!

Going on tour again means "Drive Days", long hours on the bus, and the challenge of figuring out what to do to pass the time. Although one might think long hours of travel would be very uncomfortable, drive days are one of my favorite things. First off, you actually probably can't get a more comfortable experience traveling than we do, with our luxurious Prevost bus. It has couches, a gallery kitchen, a bathroom and is usually wonderfully spacious, though we will see just how spacious it is now that the usual number of passengers will be nearly doubled with the Omega company is joining us. I am not worried about it though. The more, the merrier, I always say! I also love drive days because they are so restful in comparison to performance days, or even our days in town at the studio in which the physical workload is quite heavy. On drive days I like to read, spend time with the Lord, or do something crafty like crochet. Lately, with my collection of Le Pen's and colored pencils, I have been really into designing these wreaths.
DIY Floral Wreath Designing Tutorial HERE!

I find it therapeutic. I get to practice my calligraphy, and drawing all the little details of the flowers and leaves really does help time pass! In the near future, I am looking forward to sharing with you a step by step tutorial about designing wreaths. Whether it be made by using watercolor, or simply drawing the wreaths like I've done here, there are some fundamental tips and tricks I would like to offer, to get you inspired and creating beautiful, winsome, wreaths too! If this interests you, stay tuned! If you like the wreaths, but are not inclined to create them yourself, check out my shop where I will have some of my creations up for sale! Thank you always for your support!

Please keep the Ballet Magnificat touring companies in your prayers 
as we round out the season!
Thank you for taking the time to read my posts!
What kind of things do you recommend doing for passing the time during travel?
leave me a comment below!
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