Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Devotional Book Giveaway! (Closed)

An amazing mom, author, and woman of God, Dr. Troye Thigpen, who was first introduced to you in this Testimony Tuesday blog post, is the one who is being featured again today! It was when I learned that my friend's mother, Dr. Thigpen, wrote "Good Morning Holy Spirit", a 50-day prayer and devotional book, that I decided I had to get in touch with her to get to know the woman behind the book. What I've learned about the amazing Dr. Thigpen by way of interview is what I will be sharing with you today. I strongly believe you will enjoy hearing about her and I am excited to share that Dr. Thigpen and I have partnered together to offer a special giveaway opportunity for you to participate in, this being the first of possibly many giveaways to be offered here at The Occupied Optimist! More information about the giveaway of Dr. Thigpen's book "Good Morning Holy Spirit: 50 Days of Prayer and Devotion" can be found at the end of this post!


"Dr. Troye is a child of the Most High God, Wife, Mother, Educator, Minister, Chaplain, Intercessor, Author, Blogger, Student, and Founder of The Prayer Tent International. 
She desires to pray the heart of God and to reach the masses, through various social media platforms, with Revelation and Knowledge of God’s Word through Teaching and Prayer. 
Dr. Troye is an active Blogger, she sends out Good Morning Holy Spirit and Thank You Holy Spirit Tweets. She is also committed to three o’clock, evening prayer. This is the time according to Acts 4:31, that the Disciples prayed, and the earth started shaking. They were filled with the Holy Spirit of God, began to speak boldly, and preach the Word of God. She calls it, “Earth Shaking Prayer!” 
Dr. Troye has served in local ministries in the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and now in Missouri where she currently resides. 
Dr. Troye has served in ministry for over 20 years. She was licensed and ordained in 2014 through Word of Life Ministries International and Word of Life Christian Fellowship, as a Minister and Chaplain. 
Her passion and desire is to see others whole, walking in their God-given Authority, full of God’s Wisdom and fulfilling their God-given Purpose."  
- As seen on Dr. Troye Thigpen's website:

The  Interview

Lillian: Tell us your heart behind this devotional that you wrote? Was there a particular inspiration behind it? What is the story behind giving birth to this book?

Dr. Thigpen: Prayer has been a part of my life since I can remember. Even as a little girl, I loved church and I loved to worship and sing in the choir, and I had a desire to know more about God. But I would say that my call to Intercessory Prayer began in the late 90’s. God would wake me at the same time every night or shall I say morning in the 3 am hour. I would retreat to another room to read the Word of God and record prayers written from the Word of God. As time went on I accumulated notebook after notebook of notes and prayers. I have always been a part of prayer and prayer ministries. I loved being in an atmosphere of prayer and worship. I loved to see God move through answered prayer with signs, wonders, and miracles that followed. In 2008, my family and I moved to St. Louis area where we joined a local ministry. My husband and I were asked to take a leadership role in the church and become Life Group or Small Group Ministry Directors. We started the ministry and grew it to over 200 participants in a small church. God really moved. During that time, not only were we Directors, we began to lead our own group on The Holy Spirit of God. Because of the relationships that we established with the participants and leadership over the leaders of other groups, I began to send out encouraging words, teachings, and prayers to the leaders who were under us as Life Group leaders. That expanded to people requesting prayer. Because I was a homeschool Mom, I was able to text prayers to those who petitioned prayer, etc. In December of 2014, I was in prayer and I heard the Lord say that He wanted me to start a ministry through social media. There is much negativity. I need My Word to go forth. I was thinking this must be God because I was not on any social media platform, nor did I have the desire to be. In January of the following year, I went to a prayer conference and the Word given to me was confirmed. God set it up for me, by the time I returned home from the conference I had launched my ministry. A dear friend of mine helped me by setting up various media platforms and my ministry was launched January 10, 2015. We have just celebrated 3 years of prayer with The Prayer Tent International. After starting the ministry, things really started unraveling, I felt like God was moving me out into uncharted territory. I knew that I had heard from the Lord, however, I felt as though I was on an island alone. No one understood. I knew that I had to be obedient to God no matter what people thought, how they tried to make me feel, or how they tried to stifle what God had called me to do. My alone time with God and the writing of the prayers was what brought me through what I call my "Wilderness Process or Experience." This is how Good Morning Holy Spirit: 50 Days of Prayer and Devotion came about. I would begin each day with devotional time with the Lord and I would read until Holy Spirit prompted my Spirit and told me what to write. I always say, “He speaks, and I write.” As I began to share the prayers with others, they would say how they blessed them. This is how the book came about. God took my painful experience and turned it into a healing process, not only for me but others as well. God allowed the frustration to push me out and do what He purposed for me to do.

Lillian: What can readers expect to get out of this devotional?

Dr. Thigpen: Readers can expect to spend time with God in Devotion and Prayer for 50 Days. It is my hope that the prayers would jump start them to interact daily with God. As they read the prayers and the Scriptures, I pray that the Holy Spirit of God would whisper gently to them and that they would journal their own prayers and pray them back to Him causing a deepened and strengthened relationship with Holy Spirit who lives and dwells inside of them. I pray that it would be a life-changing experience as the readers learn to acknowledge and engage the Holy Spirit for answers because He knows all things.

Lillian: When did you first begin writing? Can you tell us what your first book was called and when it was published?  

Dr. Thigpen: My first book was published in December of 2015. It is called, “Speak & Be Healed: If Your Bones Can Hear, What About the Rest of Your Body?” This book evolved from a sermon that I had written for a Homiletics Class.

We are losing many people today because of poor health choices. The CDC (2012) says the leading causes of death in the United States are heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis.” The report also said that almost all of these diseases can be prevented with proper diet and exercise. But thank God, He created us with sensory neurons, these neurons were created to respond to light and sound. Did you know that in a fraction of a millisecond your sensory neurons located in your nervous system can hear a sound and respond back to your central nervous system? So, when God told Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones in Ezekiel 37:3-7, they responded to sound. The Word of God that was spoken from the mouth of a man, Prophet Ezekiel. Not only did the bones come back together, but everything that was associated with each individual came back together including their minds. We believe in doctors, but we also believe in the supernatural healing power of God. When we put our faith into action and we begin to speak the Word of God over our bodies, I believe God can and will heal our bodies and renew our minds. He can do a total healing, mind, body, and soul, just like he did with the Israelites. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You too can have a “Suddenly” moment with God. I encourage you to get the book. It is a short read, and I believe it will help increase your faith, if you need a miracle from God, you can get the book. It is available on Amazon or on Kindle.

Lillian: WOW! I definitely need to put that book on my reading list! It sounds soo good!

Lillian: Would you like to inform us how long have you been walking with the Lord and how your journey with Him began?

Dr. Thigpen: I got saved at an early age, I was in the 4th grade I believe. I was so glad that I had a relationship with the Lord. My parents were murdered when I was 14 years old. It was my faith in God that got me through the toughest times in life. It was not always easy, but His hand was never too far that I could not reach Him, nor His ear too far that He could not hear me.

Lillian: Do you have any favorite bible verses?

Dr. Thigpen: A prayer that I have always prayed: Jesus has anointed me with the Holy Spirit and Power, that I would go about doing good, and healing those who were sick and oppressed of the devil, because God is with me. Acts 10:38

The Lord’s Prayer was the prayer that I prayed the night the Lord saved our lives, my brother and myself, from the people who came into our house and murdered our parents. Matthew 6:9-13

Mark 11:24, Whatsoever, you ask in prayer, believe that you have received them, and you shall have what you say.

Psalm 56:3, When I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

Prov. 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.

Joshua 1:5, Just as you were with Moses, so shall you be with me. You will never leave me nor forsake me. (My Prayer)

Each one of the previously mentioned Scriptures has gotten me through various stages of life.

Lillian: Are there any other materials you have written that you would like to tell us about?

Dr. Thigpen: Everything is linked to my website. [Check out] My blog…although I have not blogged in awhile because I have been working on my book and other teachings. I put writings and nuggets on my ministry Facebook Page. I have Vol. 2 of Good Morning Holy Spirit: 50 Days of Prayer and Devotion in queue and a book that my husband and I have written together. It will definitely bless the life of the reader. There are some exciting things coming, stay tuned and please sign up on my website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I am always sharing nuggets from Holy Spirit. I would love to hear from you.

Lillian: What are some hobbies you enjoy?? 

Dr. Thigpen: If I could climb up in my bed with different versions of the Bible, Concordances, and other resources and not come out until I wanted to, I would be in Heaven! Unfortunately, life does not work out that way. LOL

I love to see people growing in the knowledge of Christ and praying the Word and will of God. We are foodies, so as a family, we like to try different restaurants and types of food. I also like to cook and decorate; arts and crafts are some of my favorite things to do.

Lillian: So you are a  Christian "Ballet Mom". Do you have any advice, words of wisdom, or encouragement you would like to give to other ballet moms out there reading my blog?

Dr. Thigpen: As a Ballet Mom, I would say, get to know the other Moms. I often found myself having Bible study or prayer with a Mom or two. I would call it the “Wait Ministry.” Moms spend a lot of time waiting for Ballet to end each day.

God gives each person gifts. It is up to us as parents to guide [our children] in the way that He wants them to go. For [my daughter] Chloe it was dance and Bible. She loves them both. So, we put her in the best place to give her the best opportunities for growth, maturity, and development in those areas. Allowing her to attend Saint Louis Ballet was worth the sacrifice. As a result, she was able to secure a dance and academic scholarship to Belhaven University.

My advice is after you have trained them up in the Spiritual and the Natural, trust the God in them to be the best that they can be. He will never lead them wrong and He will never leave nor forsake them. Always keep an open dialogue with them and after they have expressed all their hopes, dreams, desires, wows, and disappointment, etc., remind them of the Word and let them make the best decisions based on what they know and what the Spirit of God says to them. Teach them how to hear the voice of God and encourage them to continue to develop their relationship with Him.

Lillian: Any last words?

Dr. Thigpen: I am doing mini teaching on the book and I have started recording prayers to compliment the book. Stay tuned for that.


Special Thanks To Dr. Troye Thigpen for taking the time to answer all my questions!

So grounded in the Word of God and in tune with the Holy Spirit, this woman, without a doubt, knows God and is such an inspiration to me. I hope you enjoyed hearing from her as much as I did. And her and I both hope that you will participate in our give away! 

But before we get to that, I also want to encourage you to support Dr. Thigpen in her ministry by following her on her social media platforms. I'll reiterate on her behalf that she loves being contacted and hearing from you!

Her books can be found for sale here on Amazon.

The  Giveaway!

The moment you've been waiting for: Now for the giveaway! Dr. Thigpen and I are partnering together to offer you this special giveaway opportunity; a chance for you to win Dr. Thigpen's book "Good Morning Holy Spirit: 50 Days of Prayer and Devotion"!

What better way to start off your year than with 50-days of prayer!!!

Description: Good Morning Holy Spirit:50 Days of Prayer and Devotion is a series of interactive prayers and words of meditation that will assist you in pursuing a greater relationship with the Holy Spirit of God.

I won't try and pretend that this isn't an effort to promote her book, because it is, but only because it is worth being promoted! Unlike some giveaways and the product promoting you will find on other blogs that are simply motivated by earning commission and gaining affiliate stature, my motivation for promoting this book is purely because I believe Thigpen is offering quality content. The scripture "Taste and see that the Lord is good," comes to my mind! And both Dr. Thigpen and I want to give you an opportunity to experience this for yourself. Your gonna love this book!


In order to participate in this giveaway 1.) Fill out the form below and leave a comment in the comment section of this post 2.) After leaving a comment, an additional entry may be submitted by signing up for my newsletter via the signup bar at the top of the page. Those who are already signed up for my newsletter can still submit a second entry by doing this, without the fear of receiving duplicate newsletters. It is just a measure taken so I can verify your second entry. 

This giveaway is open worldwide and you can enter anytime over the next week. The winner will be contacted via email and announced Wednesday, January 31st.  If you have any additional questions - feel free to send me an email!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck! 

I hope you enjoyed this post!
Let me know what you thought about it and if you would like to see more blog entries like this!
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a Blessed evening in the Lord!

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