Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Patriotic Tuesday

Did you know that today is Super Tuesday?! 

According to Wikipedia : Super Tuesday refers to a selected Tuesday early in the United States presidential primary season when the greatest number of states hold primary elections. This year Super Tuesday is today, March 1st. More delegates to United States presidential nominating conventions can be won on Super Tuesday than on any other single day of the primary calendar. Candidates seeking the presidency traditionally must do well on this day to secure their party's nomination.

Do you know who you are voting for?
If you don't Click Here!


“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.”

~ Luke 8:39

Presenting with excitement, I introduce to you Testimony Tuesdays!!! A testimony by definition is: a formal written or spoken statement, a public recounting of a religious conversion or experience. The Bible commands us in numerous places to bring praise, glory, and honor to our God by proclaiming, declaring, and telling about His marvelous works to others. That is the purpose and heart behind this installment for my Tuesday posts. Each Tuesday (more or less), a testimony will be shared here involving the recounting of salvation, redemption, overcoming, and/or healing just to name a few; A story that brings glory to our God and in which we might be encouraged, spurred on, and challenged with at the same time.The stories that will be shared will either be of my own personal experiences, excerpts from books, testimonies I find via youtube or other media sources, as well as YOURS! I would love to know and give you the opportunity to share here with us a testimony of your own, of whatever fashion that involves the Lord doing a transforming work in your life. Just email me your testimony and I will see what I can do about posting it on a future Tuesday! You may choose to have your name be known or anonymous. I look forward to hearing from you!

In honor of this patriotic day, today I share with you one of my most favorite video clips on Youtube produced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Be blessed and Enjoy!

Happy Tuesday!
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  1. i had no idea about super Tuesday. these kind of little information should be passed around more and you are doing a great job. keep at it. also, i loved the video. hope to see more from you!
