Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Testimony of Mark Spence


“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.”

~ Luke 8:39

Presenting with excitement, I introduce to you Testimony Tuesdays!!! A testimony by definition is: a formal written or spoken statement, a public recounting of a religious conversion or experience. The Bible commands us in numerous places to bring praise, glory, and honor to our God by proclaiming, declaring, and telling about His marvelous works to others. That is the purpose and heart behind this installment for my Tuesday posts. Each Tuesday (more or less), a testimony will be shared here involving the recounting of salvation, redemption, overcoming, and/or healing just to name a few; A story that brings glory to our God and in which we might be encouraged, spurred on, and challenged with at the same time.The stories that will be shared will either be of my own personal experiences, excerpts from books, testimonies I find via youtube or other media sources, as well as YOURS! I would love to know and give you the opportunity to share here with us a testimony of your own, of whatever fashion that involves the Lord doing a transforming work in your life. Just email me your testimony and I will see what I can do about posting it on a future Tuesday! You may choose to have your name be known or anonymous. I look forward to hearing from you!


If you know anything about me and my love for evangelism, you would know that I am absolutely in love with the ministry known as Living Waters. Headed by CEO and founder Ray Comfort, Living Waters provides evangelism tools and training that helps Christians share their faith effectively and biblically--the way Jesus did. Today I would like to share with you a video I stumbled upon featuring Mark Spence sharing his testimony. He is the Vice President of Outreach for Living Waters. Aside from Living Waters (which I can't speak more highly about), I have come to also appreciate this new ministry I have discovered called Anchored North. They are the ones responsible for creating the video shared below. The people of Anchored North have a genuine love for Jesus and making him known, and the world wide web is their mission field of choice. They promote that the videos they create are to be used for sharing the gospel. You can find all their videos at their website along with other helpful resources. You can also check them out on Youtube HERE where you can find a great video of them sharing in their own words, an explanation of what they are all about! 

Now, please check out the amazing testimony below of Mark Spence, featuring the awesome, transforming, life-giving, power of God. And be reminded of the depth of love that God has for each and every one of us.

Be Blessed.

Happy Tuesday!
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