Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Jesus is King


“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.”

~ Luke 8:39

Presenting with excitement, I introduce to you Testimony Tuesdays!!! A testimony by definition is: a formal written or spoken statement, a public recounting of a religious conversion or experience. The Bible commands us in numerous places to bring praise, glory, and honor to our God by proclaiming, declaring, and telling about His marvelous works to others. That is the purpose and heart behind this installment for my Tuesday posts. Each Tuesday (more or less), a testimony will be shared here involving the recounting of salvation, redemption, overcoming, and/or healing just to name a few; A story that brings glory to our God and in which we might be encouraged, spurred on, and challenged with at the same time.The stories that will be shared will either be of my own personal experiences, excerpts from books, testimonies I find via youtube or other media sources, as well as YOURS! I would love to know and give you the opportunity to share here with us a testimony of your own, of whatever fashion that involves the Lord doing a transforming work in your life. Just email me your testimony and I will see what I can do about posting it on a future Tuesday! You may choose to have your name be known or anonymous. I look forward to hearing from you!

Though I think we all can agree that there are some legitimate concerns and hesitations to be had about the fact that Donald Trump has been elected president for our country's upcoming term, the people have spoken and it is what it is. I remind myself that God IS in control and it is HE who ultimately chooses what men are to be placed in power.

  • "The God of heaven gives dominion and power and might and glory" Daniel 2:36b

    • "He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." Daniel 2:21

    History repeats itself. There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The situation we find ourselves in somewhat reminds me of the wicked pharaoh that ruled in Egypt during the time of Moses, and how the God allowed it to be, and how the bible states that the Lord himself hardened pharaohs heart (Exodus 9:12). The apostle Paul sheds some light on God's motives for doing so

    •  "For the Scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, 'I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth." Romans 9:17

    Gods ways are higher than ours and  I choose to trust him. 

    • "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9

      • "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

        • "If God is for us, who can be against us? " Romans 8:31

        Trump may be taking his seat as president in the oval office in a couple of months, But our God enthroned on high still reigns supreme and sovereign over all. 

        As American citizens and followers of Christ, our duty is the following:

        • "...to submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God." Romans 13:1

          • "... to be peacemakers, for they are blessed and will be called children of God" Matthew 5:9

          Though some may have little certainty, peace, and/or confidence concerning the start of this coming year, I do find comfort in the fact that President Elect Donald Trump has exhibited a fairly conservative platform, standing up for life, evangelicals, and religious liberty, which I deeply appreciate. I know he has also exhibited a lot of other less desirable postures, BUT  I also find hope in Trump's running mate Mike Pence, who is an outspoken Christian! This video that has been making its way around social media is just remarkable and refreshing! I am extremely grateful for Mike Pence; a man who cherishes the life, liberties, and traditions that our nation was founded on. Check it out!

          Fellow Christians, even though the election season is all said and done, please remember and continue to keep our nation and President Elect Donald Trump in your prayers! Our country needs it, NOT "now more than ever", but ALWAYS!

          1. Pray that God supply President Trump with divine strength, guidance, and wisdom.
          2. Pray that Donald Trump would be seeking wise, godly counsel from others and implement it.
          3. Pray that he would not waver from his endorsed conservative stances.
          4.  Pray that Trump would continue to defend the rights of believers.
          5. Despite the short comings Trump may have, pray that he would be used in our country in the way God desires, and that "God's power might be displayed, and His fame spread throughout the earth through Trump".
          6.  Pray that President Trump would express continued loyalty with Israel and preserve our relationship with them and support for them.
          7.  Pray for the members of our body; Christians across the nation and that we would be peacemakers, peacefully and graciously submitting to governing authorities, and not wavering, but being strengthened in our faith all the while.

          In hopes of refreshing your soul, I will now leave with you with this wonderful song by Sovereign Grace Music called "Behold our God". Be Blessed! 

            Lyrics to
          BEHOLD OUR GOD  -by Sovereign Grace Music

          Who has held the oceans in His hands?
          Who has numbered every grain of sand?
          Kings and nations tremble at His voice
          All creation rises to rejoice

          Behold our God seated on His throne
          Come, let us adore Him
          Behold our King—nothing can compare
          Come, let us adore Him

          Who has given counsel to the Lord?
          Who can question any of His words?
          Who can teach the One who knows all things?
          Who can fathom all His wondrous deeds?

          Who has felt the nails upon His hands?
          Bearing all the guilt of sinful man
          God eternal, humbled to the grave
          Jesus, Savior, risen now to reign

          You will reign forever
          Let Your glory fill the earth

          What do you think about all this?
          Thanks for stopping by!
          Please! comment, follow, subscribe, and don't be shy!

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