My sincere apologies to any/those of you that may feel a bit abandoned by my lack of updates lately here at 'The Occupied Optimist'. (What you should do is follow me on Instagram and/or Twitter for more Immediate updates 😁) My absence only signifies that spectacular things have been going on in my offline life that are keeping me fantastically OCCUPIED! It's 'the most wonderful time of the year' they say. I say it is definitely the busiest... with presents to buy, gifts to make, Christmas productions to perform! I call it the holiday hustle! Maybe you can relate? Well, I've finally found myself some free time to write you all an update so here it goes!
This Past Weekend
Ballet Magnificat Alpha participated in "Carols by Candlelight" which is a phenomenal Christmas gospel presentation put on each year by First Baptist Jackson.
"Through music and drama, Carols by Candlelight shares the Christmas story and the importance of experiencing the message of Christmas through the love of Christ. For more than 42 years, First Baptist Jackson has offered this Christmas celebration as a special gift to all who attend."
↑ True Statement (found on their website), special for sure!
This Coming weekend
Now we are fully concentrated on preparing for our upcoming performances at Thalia Mara Hall in downtown Jackson this coming weekend! We will be presenting our newest ballet entitled "Light Has Come- The Angels' Story" in celebration of Ballet Magnificat's 30th anniversary. At this point, "Light Has Come" has already been premiered around the country, but we have yet to perform it here in our home, Jackson Mississippi. Both the Alpha and Omega companies will be incorporated into this production as well as our School Of The Arts and Trainee companies. It's going to be huge! The costumes are gorgeous and the sets are stunning! If you are in town, you don't want to miss it! I think this is my most favorite ballet that we've ever done here at Ballet Magnificat! It is a clear reminder that Jesus really is the reason for the season. So far we have taken "Light Has Come" to Alabama, Kentucky, and Texas, and it has been so well received! It's depiction of God's displayed power, love, and victory through his son Jesus, is overwhelming, powerful, and impactful. I'd say that it would be hard for anyone to leave the theater 'untouched', whether being one of the performers like me, or an audience member. The Holy Spirit speaks to me through it every single time! Check out these reviews I've collected from a few of our audience members from around the country:
"Ballet Magnificat's "Light has Come" is an awesome and unique interpretation of a very popular Bible story. Their choreography and presentation of it is absolutely beautiful! Their love for serving and honoring the Lord is apparent in every single dance! The ballet is compelling and inspiring, it is definitely a must-see this Christmas season, and I would recommend it to anyone! ~ Zoe Brickner (Ballet Magnificat Summer Dance Intensive Student) "Light has Come" is a beautiful and moving performance centering around the birth, life, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The expert choreography showcased in stunning costumes takes your breathe away and brings hope and joy to everyone who attends. The family-friendly production communicates love from God our Father in a real and tangible way that encourages all of us. "Light has Come" shatters the darkness of our own personal circumstances leaving all to recognize He is King of Kings and He still sits on the throne of glory!" ~Allison Wood (Dance Mom)
"I thoroughly enjoyed Light Has Come. The dancing and message are beautiful and inspiring. Act I is more so uplifting and inspiring, while Act II is more dramatic and includes the death and resurrection of Jesus. The staff of Ballet Magnificat has a gift they use for The the glory of God and are great at ministering with the audience members. What a blessing!" ~Carol Jeanette (Audience Member)

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