- Travel Day. Christmas Vacation . Goodbye MS . Hello PA . -
Typically during Blogmas, bloggers commit to writing and posting material pertaining to Christmas on a daily basis, for 25 days starting at the beginning of December and leading up until Christmas, but being that I have been busy dancing the season away, I say: “AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!” ^_^ But with five days left until Christmas, and today marking the start of my Christmas vacation, I thought it would the perfect time to jump in and participate in Blogmas, at least for the next five days! So throughout this Blogmas season, you can expect to be reading about my Christmas Vacation, Christmas DIY's and gift making ideas, holiday recipes, as well as a whole lot of other randomness...so here we go!
Blogmas Day One
Full cast (more or less) of Ballet Magnificat's "Light Has Come" incorporating both Alpha and Omega companies, Trainee Companies and the School of The Arts. |
A group picture of the Alpha company before performing "Light Has Come" |
Yesterday we performed our final show of Ballet Magnificat's original work, “Light Has Come”. It was our final show of the season and year. We gave our all on that Thalia Mara stage and I believe we met with success in presenting an entertaining, powerful, God-glorifying production, and in finishing strongly. So now, I'm sure I can speak for all of us dancers when I say we are feeling very enthusiastic about the upcoming next three weeks of vacation time that we've been granted. Well deserved rest, here we come! This year, like every other year, I head to Pennsylvania, for my winter break.
I stayed up super late last night after the show. It always takes me a while to wind down after a performance. I wasted an incredible amount of time watching random videos on Youtube, and snacking on tortilla wraps (random, right?! But food in my fridge and pantry were kinda bare, in preparation for my travels to PA and leaving nothing perishable behind behind) and then after that I started to pack for my trip.

Today, on my first day of vacation I slept in and it was AMAZING! My Sleepbot (an AWESOME, free, sleep tracking app) woke me up at 9:45. Nothing beats the free feeling of waking up to a day with no obligations, responsibilities, or time restraints! Well, I did have a few responsibilities built into my day naturally, being that today was my scheduled day of departure from Jackson and travel to PA! After I woke up and dilly-dallied on social media for a little bit, I showered and did a few last minute things around the house. Then, my friend Micky who so kindly volunteered to be my ride to the airport later this day, came to pick me up at my house and together we took our friend Elisa to the airport first, whose flight was earlier than mine. Micky and I then killed some time hanging out at a cafe nearby to the airport, before it was my turn to go. We spent a few hours chatting about the past couple performance days, and just catching up on life. I really enjoyed this time with Micky. She is a great friend! She prepared a little bag of tea with a sweet treat for me, to make my plane ride a little more pleasurable!
Micky and I a few hours before my departure from Jackson |
This is the little bag of goodies that Micky prepared for me. How thoughtful and sweet! |
My Travel Day
- Here is a picture of the sunset that I snapped through the window at the airport as I waited for my plane to depart.
Bathroom selfie ^_^ |
- I departed from Jackson Mississippi with American Airlines at 6:20pm with a short layover in Charlotte, North Carolina before arriving at my end destination in Pennsylvania, where my family is.
So much space! |
- On both of my flights I surprisingly scored a whole row of seats all to myself! It was an answered prayer!
- In flight, I usually like to listen to music on my iPod and get a little reading done. Sometimes I like to page through those complimentary airline magazines that they provide for you in the Seat-back pockets. You can learn some pretty interesting stuff from those magazines sometimes! But this time I kept myself busy with writing this blog entry! ^_^ In one of my previous blog entries I shared some ideas of other activities and things I like to do when traveling, things that are conducive for flying and for doing in airports when you have long layovers. Check it out HERE. I arrived in Pennsylvania late this night around 12:30am. Burr, it is cold here!
- Reunited with my beloved parents; This is the very familiar view I have from the back seat of my mom's car as she drives us home from the airport. With only 24 miles to go, I'm so close to home I can feel it!
- Once I get home I will most likely cuddle with my parents for a little, edit and post this blog entry, and call it a day!!!
Well, this has been a fun entry to start Blogmas with! Stay tuned for more!
Thanks for stopping by and reading!
Safe travels to those of you traveling this season!
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