- Challenge Day One . Meal Planning . Black Bean Recipes -
Hi everyone! Today is Challenge Day #1 of the 30-Day Self Improvement Challenge and I am so excited to be kicking this off. Today I am challenging myself to create a week-long meal plan, and then hopefully sticking to it would be nice...
Since I have a TON of black beans on my shelf (from that one time I bought them in bulk from BJ's Wholesale Club to make black bean avocado brownies for when Ballet Magnificat was supposed to come and visit...but then never did) I have no doubts that black beans will be incorporated into my week-long meal plan, so today I thought it would be fun to share with you my top 5 favorite black bean recipes, and I will be sure to throw in that avocado black bean brownie recipe! Pictured below is what I made for dinner this evening using black beans!
My spinach and rice bowl with a black bean burger on the side! |
Black beans are such a handy food to have on hand! They are cheap to buy from the store, have a long shelf life canned, and are easy to cook with! Every recipe I have cooked requiring the use of black beans usually involves little preparation time and the recipes down below are without exception. An ingredient with a naturally subtle flavor, I love how black beans can be used in recipes as a healthy substitute and imitation of a variety of other foods, from burgers to sweet treats! I have personal experience with making each one of the Pinterest recipes below and can truly attest to their out-of-this-world yumminess thus the reason for preparing this post for you! Enjoy! 😉
One. >>>> Black Bean Burgers <<<<
I can't wait to blog in more detail my personal experience with making these! It was so easy! |
Two. >>>> Cowboy Caviar <<<<
This one is really good as a dip, or I'll even eat it by the spoonful! |
Three. >>>> Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas <<<<
I made this recipe one weekend for my former roommate, Maggie, when she came to visit and she loved it! |
Four. >>>> Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers <<<<
I've also used rice before to make this recipe! Either way is delicious! |
Five. >>>> Black Bean Avocado Brownies <<<<
The recipe calls for a food processor but when I made these I just used my Nutribullet blender. I also went without using chocolate chips. Very Yummy! ALMOST as good as the real thing! They have a nice fudgy consistency. |
Buen Porvecho!
30- Day Challenge
- My Daily Challenge: Meal Plan.
- My Daily Prayer: "Lord Jesus, As I begin this month-long challenge would you give me the endurance, strength, and self-discipline to see it through to the end? YOUR endurance, strength, and self-discipline. Lord, I pray that you would protect my heart as I undergo these challenges. Help me to always remember why I started it and may it not turn into a vanity. I desire to establish better, long-lasting lifestyle habits I believe you would be glorified by and through. Help me to not feel stressed, condemned, or under pressure if I fail at times. Be with me Father as I go through this that I might remember your constant love for me, thus the reason I even have life, and therefore the reason why I so desire to give it back to you. I pray that this would be an attempt to further sanctify myself in such little ways, but still acknowledging that any good changes that occur in me are because of your grace. I pray for your blessing Father in Jesus' Name.
Thank you for this opportunity to embrace meal planning. You know I forget to eat sometimes, or maybe just don't out of laziness, or poor planning, so as I test out the option of meal planning would you help me to come up with a structure that is both organized and flexible?
- The Approach: I have developed a bad habit of not eating well, or not eating at all if the food that I should be eating is not easily accessible. This especially happens if I am working on a project and don't want to stop to take a break, or after I come home from a long day at work feeling ravenous, and just end up eating whatever is quickest, which usually aren't the healthiest options. I am hoping meal planning will be the solution to my problem. I'm not sure if this means planning ahead weekly or maybe just at the start of each day. I know at least having dinner figured out before I get to it would be helpful, and probably give me more motivation once I get to it too. I also know I always grocery shop smarter when I have a meal plan guiding my purchases, which is another plus. And now with quarantine, what better time than now to start this habit.
Here it is! ( Sorry it's hard to read, it's more for me than you) |
Check out the Full 30-Day Self Improvement Challenge here!
Thanks for stopping by!
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