Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Testimony of Former Ballerina Leslie Shivers


“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.”

~ Luke 8:39

I introduce to you Testimony Tuesdays!!! A testimony by definition is: a formal written or spoken statement, a public recounting of a religious conversion or experience. The Bible commands us in numerous places to bring praise, glory, and honor to our God by proclaiming, declaring, and telling about His marvelous works to others. That is the purpose and heart behind this installment for my Tuesday posts. Each Tuesday (more or less), a testimony will be shared here involving the recounting of salvation, redemption, overcoming, and/or healing just to name a few; A story that brings glory to our God and in which we might be encouraged, spurred on, and challenged with at the same time.The stories that will be shared will either be of my own personal experiences, excerpts from books, testimonies I find via youtube or other media sources, as well as YOURS! I would love to know and give you the opportunity to share here with us a testimony of your own, of whatever fashion that involves the Lord doing a transforming work in your life. Just email me your testimony and I will see what I can do about posting it on a future Tuesday! You may choose to have your name be known or anonymous. I look forward to hearing from you!


Today's blog entry features the story of a person who is very special to me. She was not only a co-laborer of mine at Ballet Magnificat but also a role model and friend, Leslie Shivers. When I think of Leslie, I think about how talented, disciplined, hard-working, and Jesus-loving she was. She is also one of the sweetest people you will ever meet! As healthy, active, and young as she is, we were all stunned by the announcement one day at the studio to learn of her being diagnosed with cancer. Does cancer even have biases, because it doesn't seem?

I had never personally known anyone diagnosed with cancer up until that point, and definitely not anyone diagnosed with it at 28, so close in age to me! But now, just having lost my grandpa to cancer this past August, it is by no means, a new concept to me anymore. Unlike my grandpa, thankfully Leslie's story ends differently, or should I say continues!

But similarly to my grandpa, I witnessed Leslie walk through her trial faith-filled and persistently steadfast in the Lord. It is a MARVEL to behold the resilience of a human being under fire who is rooted in the Lord. I don't think I've ever before witnessed a clearer picture of the scripture in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (how His power is made perfect in our weakness) until watching Leslie, and then my grandpa, suffer so greatly battling against cancer. I know it was not always easy, but God proved that scripture to be true in their lives and was glorified so greatly through their circumstances. Watch the video below as Leslie herself shares her story. Be encouraged, blessed, and filled with hope!

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." ~Romans 8:18

Happy Tuesday!
Be blessed.

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