Sunday, May 8, 2016

10 Indispensible Precepts Taught to Me by My Mother

Happy Mother's Day! 

...And To clear up any debate, I truly have the best mom in the world. End of discussion. Now that that is out of the way,  ;)  let me introduce you to just 10 of my favorite precepts I've gleaned from her over the years.

1. One never stops learning. This is something I have already talked about a lot on my blog. My mother has taught me that you are never too old to stop learning new things. No matter how young or old you are, there is always something new to be discovered.  I often have to remind myself of this when I find myself frustrated and feeling vulnerable because I don't know everything.

2. There is always going to be someone better, and someone worse than me. But there is never going to be anybody just like me. By her own example of determination and perseverance and in encouraging me to believe in myself and never give up, she taught me that with hard work I can do anything I want to do with my life; that I can reach my dreams well enough, and I did (because she was behind me all the way) and if at first you don't succeed, try try again!

3. Nothing on this earth lasts forever. Not my things, not my money, not my car keys, not my youth, not my trials, not my joys; A good precept to remember, It sets you up for having an excellent biblical eternal perspective.

4. Something better always comes along. Similarly to the previous point made, but not the same, this precept can be both sobering in some circumstances, and encouraging and hopeful in others.

5. The power that being polite has, and that it goes a long way. Anything but good behavior was unacceptable and earned me undesired discipline growing up. My parents raised my siblings and I with a high standard of having good manners, teaching us proper etiquette, and the importance of speaking clearly and using our 'please' and 'thank yous'. I have found politeness necessary to earn oneself respect from others, and these manners are necessary in order to bridge the gap between divisions of class, rank, and/or stereotype.

6. The importance of being on time. My mother taught me that punctuality is of utmost importance; that being twenty minutes early is absolutely always better than being late. A hard rule to honor in the south, I do my best! I have learned that being on time shows respect and can also often 'put you in the right place at the right time.' I have had several opportunities and doors open up for me just by arriving on the scene early. The early bird gets the worm, they say.

7. Instilled in me was a healthy fear of the things in this world that might harm me. From light sockets when I was little, to stranger danger in my later years, to much bigger life threats as I grew older; I am sure that my existence till this day, is attributed to the healthy fear that was planted within me.

8.Purity is a thing to be valued and protected. I realize I have had a somewhat shelter upbringing which is a high achievement considering I was public schooled. My parents did a great job constantly supervising my siblings and I, to the best of their ability with the utmost love and care, always encouraging and redirecting us towards the excellent, beautiful, ethical things that this world has to offer.

9. Love is a sacrifice. Simply by the example of both my parents; they showed me what this looks like.

10. The most invaluable thing; I was introduced to Jesus at a young age. And I have come to discover as it says in Psalms 63:3 that His love is better than life.

" Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it. " 

Proverbs 22:6

How are you going to celebrate your mother on Mothers Day? It is just around the corner! If your situation is like mine and you have some distance between you and your mother, perhaps you've considered sending her something special via snail mail. I've always thought it heartwarming and nostalgic receiving a simple card or letter in the mail. I've been working on some new cards for some of the special days coming up, check them out in my shop! :)

A Special thank you to all the fabulous mothers out there!

Please add to my collection of what lessons our mothers teach us by commenting below!
 What invaluable lessons you have learned from your mother?

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