Sunday, December 4, 2022

Blogmas Day Four In Snapshots

  You know it has been a long day when my blog entries consist of more photos than text. After a long day (and weekend!), sometimes just doing a photo dump and going to bed early is what is best! I began my day with church, then attended and helped host a graduation party for a close friend. following that, I attended a neat show done by Piercing Word called "The Advent of Christmas". Piercing Word is a really neat Theatrical Ministry in Lancaster PA that puts on musicals with scripts consisting of only all memorized biblical scripture. It is pretty interesting and impressive. Before ending my day at home composing this blog entry and winding down for the night, I ended my day out back at church for our annual tree lighting event, in which I volunteered to help the kids make ornaments for it! Now I'm pooped, and ready to turn in for the night. Peace and Blessings.


A little quiet time to start the day before I hit the ground running...

Happy Blogmas !

-Signing out!

  For More Optimistic Reads ↓ 

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